Design Patents Trivet
- National Archives Store Exclusive
- Made in Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.A.
- 100% authentic marble
- 7 3/4 inch square
Featuring post-Prohibition liquor and beer product labels from the trademark registration files for the years 1933-1934, this trivet will add some good, fun color to your kitchen and dining table.
Since the first European settlers arrived here, Americans have enjoyed a drink. At times, many of us have enjoyed a lot of drinks. But other Americans, fearing the harm alcohol would do to society and to individuals, have tried to stop our drinking or limit who, when, and where we could consume alcohol.
These two different views of alcoholic beverages run throughout American history. Sometimes they have existed in relative peace; other times, they have been at war. Documents and artifacts in the National Archives reveal the evolution of the government's alcohol policy over time and illustrate the wide variety of views Americans have held about alcohol. The stories they tell echo present-day debates about regulating drinking and the legalization of other drugs.